Lessons Learned from Losing an SEO Clients: Insights from Colan Nielsen of Sterling Sky

Losing clients is an inevitable part of running any business, including digital marketing and SEO agencies. However, the key to long-term success lies in learning from these losses and using them as opportunities for improvement. In a recent session at our Back to School for Digital Agencies event, Colan Nielsen, VP of Local Search at Sterling Sky, shared candid insights from the experiences of his team in losing several SEO clients in 2023. The lessons shared are not just about SEO tactics but also about relationship management, expectation setting, and continuous improvement.

Here’s a breakdown of the key takeaways:

 1. Client Trust and Continuity: The Importance of Relationships

One of the most significant lessons Colan shared revolved around the loss of a divorce lawyer client. This client had been very happy with Sterling Sky’s services, largely due to a strong relationship with their account manager. However, when the account manager went on maternity leave, the client was transferred between multiple account managers in a short period. This disruption, coupled with stagnating website traffic, led to dissatisfaction, despite an otherwise strong relationship.

 Key Takeaways:

– Client trust is fragile: Even if performance remains constant, trust can erode quickly if there’s a lack of continuity in communication.

– Red flag process: Colan’s team introduced a system that tracks four key metrics monthly: leads (both month-over-month and year-over-year), traffic, and client trust. If any of these metrics show issues for three consecutive months, it triggers a red flag, prompting a strategist to dive in and rectify the situation.

 2. The Right Focus: Performance Metrics Matter

In another case, an insurance agent client was adamant about focusing on link building, despite the fact that their Google Business Profile (GBP) was the primary source of leads. The client had been advised by previous SEO providers to focus solely on link building, and this expectation was hard to shift.

 Key Takeaways:

– Educating clients is essential: Colan’s team learned the importance of proactive education. They now hold monthly webinars, inviting clients to better understand SEO tactics, so when they recommend a strategy (like prioritizing GBP over links), clients are more likely to accept it.

– Realignment of expectations: During the sales process, it’s crucial to understand client expectations fully and realign them when necessary. This avoids future conflicts and helps both parties focus on what will truly drive results.

 3. Understanding Client Priorities: Communication is Key

In a case with a criminal attorney, the client wanted to focus solely on DUI cases. Unfortunately, the team created content optimized for repeat DUI offenders, which the client was uncomfortable with. This misalignment resulted in a loss of the client.

 Key Takeaways:

– Combine roles where possible: Sterling Sky changed its structure so that the same person who communicates with the client is also responsible for strategy. This reduces the risk of miscommunication and ensures the strategy directly aligns with the client’s goals.

– Dig deeper during onboarding: They now ask specific questions during onboarding, like “Who is your ideal customer?” to ensure they are targeting the right audience from the start.

 4. Dealing with Unrealistic Expectations: Honest Conversations

For a locksmith client in a highly competitive market, ranking for the generic term “locksmith” became an obsession. The challenge was that proximity is a significant factor in local search, and with 131 competing locksmiths in the area (many of which were key duplication kiosks), achieving this goal was nearly impossible.

 Key Takeaways:

– Set clear expectations from the outset: Colan emphasized the need for early conversations around what’s achievable. Now, Sterling Sky includes a “What’s Possible” slide in their SEO audits, comparing the client’s current performance to the top competitor in their market.

– Know when to say no: After the locksmith experience, Sterling Sky decided to stop working with locksmiths due to the low return on investment (ROI) that most locksmith businesses could expect from SEO, given their low average sale value.

 5. Market Fluctuations: Adapting to External Factors

One of the more challenging experiences came from working with real estate clients during a volatile housing market. When the market boomed, they saw a surge in clients. But as the market slowed, clients began to leave, not because of poor SEO performance, but due to the economic climate.

 Key Takeaways:

– Communicate value beyond leads: Sterling Sky learned the importance of showcasing value beyond just lead generation. Rankings, while not the sole focus, are now reported more effectively to show clients how their visibility is improving even when the market isn’t generating leads.

– Innovation is crucial: Colan shared how the agency has hired specialists to develop custom reports that integrate with rank tracking tools. This allows them to demonstrate where clients are performing well and identify opportunities for new locations or growth.

Final Thoughts: Failures Fuel Progress

Colan wrapped up his presentation with a broader lesson: failure is inevitable, but what matters most is how you respond. Whether it’s losing clients, making strategic missteps, or encountering external challenges, agencies must reflect, adjust, and innovate. By embracing failure as part of the growth process, Sterling Sky has been able to maintain an 85% client retention rate—without using contracts to bind clients.

By learning from these experiences and proactively adjusting their approach, agencies can not only prevent future losses but also strengthen relationships, improve performance, and ultimately, grow their business.

Want to learn more? Check out Sterling Sky’s YouTube channel and subscribe to their newsletter for more insights from industry experts!


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