Podcast: Serious ROI – Here is a low-cost strategy to increase micro market sales by 10% to 20%

Jan. 16, 2024
In this episode of Automatic Merchandiser's Vending & OCS Nation podcast, host Bob Tullio talks to some leading micro market consultants and to Cam Cloeter, the founder of Lighting for Impact. After listening to this podcast, you are certain to have a “lightbulb” go off with the realization that it makes good sense to start thinking about lighting.

How often do you think about lighting? In this episode of Automatic Merchandiser's Vending & OCS Nation podcast, host Bob Tullio talks to some leading micro market consultants and to Cam Cloeter, the founder of Lighting for Impact, a company that is dominating the retail lighting market from coast to coast.

Based on the data presented by retailers that are served by Lighting for Impact, their entry into the micro market industry is great news for operators. Adding lighting or enhancing the lighting in a retail setting can result in a measurable, long-term jump in sales. 

After listening to this podcast, listeners are certain to have a “lightbulb” go off with the realization that it makes good sense to start thinking about lighting.


Automatic Merchandiser
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Vending & OCS Nation Podcast: Three proven business development strategies that are guaranteed to succeed
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Vending & OCS Nation Podcast: Three proven business development strategies that are guaranteed to succeed
Vending & OCS Nation

Podcast: Three proven business development strategies that are guaranteed to succeed in 2024

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Micro Market

Looking for ROI? Lighting for Impact delivers lasting results for operators

May 16, 2023
Proper lighting in a retail setting can have a big impact on sales and the customer experience.
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Micro Market

Lighting for Impact launches new Q-Channel up/down lighting system

March 17, 2023
The new Q-Channel shelf lighting system illuminates both up and down from the shelf edge and installs in seconds.