‘Right size’ your locations with a focal point, pricing and quality

Dec. 8, 2021

It is no secret that most workplaces will have fewer employees returning to work in the foreseeable future. This situation can be seen as a challenge or an opportunity for micro market operators.

Steve Orlando, an experienced operator of 10 years, and cofounder of Fixturelite, the leading supplier of micro market retail displays, equipment and design tools, said his company is getting multiple operator inquiries related to right sizing market locations. Orlando said he expects the inquiries to increase as workplace populations become clear.

Make the market a focal point

One of the big challenges with right sizing is finding the right mix of equipment. According to Steve Closser, cofounder of Translucent LLC, the leading micro market and foodservice consulting firm, right sizing is happening everywhere, so operators need to take advantage of the trend.

“Don't put micro markets and vending machines on every floor anymore. Make the employees come down to a micro market that is special – a focal point. People want to get up and walk around. Let them get up and walk around,” Closser suggested. “Give them a reason to want to be there.”

Traditional markets will not fare well

Closser quickly pointed out that an operator cannot expect to right size in a facility if the micro market has a traditional look. “Micro markets must look like retail. You cannot just do ‘vending off a shelf’ to make it work. You will get a lot of pushback, it is going to get old and stale, you will lose the account,” Closser cautioned.

Get ‘off the wall’ for differentiation

To help create a retail mindset, Closser likes Fixturelite’s Off the Wall Collection, comprised of cabinets, islands and product sleds, all of which move products into the room and in front of the customer, creating a retail atmosphere in a micro market. “You have no choice but to operate with a retail mindset,” he said.

Fixturelite’s Off the Wall Collection is timely solution for micro market operators who are committed to creating an engaging experience for their clients. Troy Geis, who cofounded Fixturelite, said interest in the collection has skyrocketed over the past year.

“Operators need to think about how to create a true retail experience by getting the crowding away from the snack racks and moving that traffic out into the room. Instead of having so many people standing side by side –crowding in to grab something – even out the crowd and offer shopping on two sides of the retail component, in the middle of the room.” Geis explained. “This retail experience is what clients are looking for right now.”

Modular and flexible collections

All of Fixturelite’s collections are modular and completely flexible. Operators can choose from numerous add-on features that are available. “That is what makes our products so effective when it comes to right sizing,” Geis said.

  • The Essentials Collection – “Friendly and Fits Right In”
  • The Performance Collection – “Stylish and Welcoming”
  • The Executive Collection – “Majestic and Elegant”

Right size your micro market pricing

Selling price is a big topic for operators, but Closser said that for today’s consumers in the workplace, quality is more important. 

“Price is not the issue right now,” Closser said. “It's about the experience, and the experienced quality is part of that. If you are offering a $5 ice cream in a micro market and it is worth the calories, worth the experience – then price is no issue.”

Closser noted that subsidy programs that reduce pricing in a micro market can send the wrong message. Low price can equate to cheap, but not value.

“I say to clients, ‘Price it right, make it great, and make it more interesting.’ If you price it cheap because you think that people want to save money, then you're doing your brand a disservice,” he said.

Right size your quality level

One piece of advice Closser gives to operators is to “not be cheap when choosing fixtures and equipment.” Closser has said it many times. “Fixturelite is the best of breed when it comes to micro market fixtures, equipment and design tools.”

According to Closser, “For anyone who wants to move forward in the micro market business, Fixturelite is a great choice. They are well positioned because they provide the design support that operators need, they have the collections that are popular and look great – plus their equipment is flexible. They can be modified, customized and unlike some other fixtures that are available, their products can be moved without falling apart.

“That why I advise micro market operators to choose quality and it starts with the right fixtures and equipment,” Closser added.

Contact Fixturelite about right sizing your locations: www.fixturelite.com


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