Marco's POUR’D cold coffee dispenser revels in rave operator reviews at NAMA Show

Sept. 9, 2021

Shortly after introducing its new a cold brew dispensing system with a sleek design, Marco Beverage Systems was excited to showcase POUR’D at last month’s NAMA Show in New Orleans. According to Brendan Murphy, Marco’s western regional sales manager, POUR’D was a hit with operators, generating rave reviews.

“After all these months of operating virtually, we needed operators to see what POUR’D was all about – to use it, to interact with it and provide us with feedback,” Murphy said. “When you consider what we brought to the market during the pandemic, FRIIA and now POUR’D, seen live only by a small group of operators, I was not surprised that operators were very excited about these products when they saw them in action. One thing about our equipment, it brings the customer.

While FRIIA, Marco’s point-of-use water system, and POUR’D are already enjoying success with Canteen, the NAMA Show has created interest from independent operators.

“After seeing FRIIA and POUR’D in person, operators now understand this combination of design, technology and function is a compelling differentiator,” Murphy said. “Once we get to a post-pandemic world, there will be a lot of POUR’D and FRIIA units in workplaces.”

POUR’D delivers cold-brew coffee using bag-in-box (BIB) concentrate. Murphy reported that NAMA showgoers were impressed by the flavor of the La Colombe cold brew.

“We are leading the way on BIB cold brew and there will be more big-name roasters jumping on board,” he said. “This is such a simple solution for operators – no kegs, eco friendly, shelf stable, with excellent profit margin potential. Plus, the look of the system sets POUR’D completely apart.”

An attractive hot, cold and sparkling water solution, FRIIA was also a “real eye opener for operators" visiting Marco’s NAMA booth. “When they see it on the counter, right next to POUR’D, they understand what a competitive advantage that these products can provide,” Murphy said.

“POUR’D and FRIIA send a message that says, ‘We are committed to design, function and technology that will elevate your workplace amenity program.’ That is exactly what many office managers are looking for today,” Murphy summed up. 

To learn more about POUR’D and FRIIA, contact Matt Dudley, Marco’s North American sales director, at (704) 492-6601 or [email protected].


[Credit: Marco Beverage Systems]
POUR'D dispensing a small shot.
POUR'D dispensing a small shot.
POUR'D dispensing a small shot.
POUR'D dispensing a small shot.
POUR'D dispensing a small shot.
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