Feature Update: We’ve Added 4 New Sites To Our Review Monitoring

I’m excited to share that we’ve expanded the online review sites that we monitor for your business locations beyond Google and Facebook by adding additional review sites.

We now offer review monitoring for the following reviews sites:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Yp.com (new)
  • TripAdvisor (new)
  • Zillow (new)
  • Avvo (new)

Adding YP.com for any type of business makes sense and the other review sites we added are leaders in their respective areas.  TripAdvisor has long been a favorite site for travel, hospitality, restaurants and tourism.  Zillow is a leader in the real estate industry and is a must for realtors and real estate brokers.  Avvo is a legal industry review site with reviews for attorneys and lawyers.

How To Set-up These New Review Sites For Monitoring

If you want to add one or more of these sites to your review monitoring you will want to add them to your Online Review Links in your settings for each location. When you add these as sites you are requesting reviews from, we will automatically add them to your Online Review Monitor report.


Watch The Video Tutorial On Adding Online Review Sites

Watch this short video (just over a minute) to see how to set it up for your business/location. It’s quick and easy!

P.S. GetFiveStars has the ability to ask for online reviews from most of the online review sites, (if we are missing one that you need, just ask us). This feature update is about adding online review sites that we can monitor for you, report on, and send you alerts when you get new online reviews there. We are planning on adding additional reviews sites for monitoring in the future as well.

Give it a try, and let us know what you think!

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Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.