Sharing Our Knowledge This Fall At Digital Marketing Conferences

Our team is excited to get out and share our knowledge this 2016 fall season on digital marketing, online reviews, online reputation, mobile and more.  We’d love to see you at one of the many digital marketing conferences we have someone speaking at this fall.

Social Media Rockstar Event – September 14th in Minnesota

social media marketing event

The Social Media Rockstar Event is one of those hidden gems in the regional conference circuit.  It’s a one day conference, with a small town feel, with all the big ideas and presentations.  I’m excited to be the closing keynote at this years event that also features Lee OddenNick Westergaard and many other great digital marketers.

SWIVEL Digital Marketing Conference – October 10th -11th in Bend, Oregon

David Mihm Mike Blumenthal

Attending SWIVEL is a great opportunity to make lasting connections and take in many nationally known digital marketing expert presentations.  One presentation you can’t miss is our own Mike Blumenthal teaming up with David Mihm to present From Search To Sale and Beyond.  Any local search enthusiast realizes this a “dream duo” presentation in a 3 hour workshop format of local search, SEO, website and business knowledge. I can promise 3 hours with Mike and David will be amazingly insightful.

Local University Advanced – October 20th-21st in New Orleans, LA

local university

LocalU Advanced is the longest running and most intensive local search seminar for those seeking a focused, deep and beneficial conference.  Come see Mike Blumenthal, myself and other local SEO experts like Darren Shaw, Mike Ramsey, Will Scott, Cindy Krum and Joy Hawkins.

Small Business Local University Seminar

LocalU has long offered a small business seminar offering a great introduction to local SEO, Google maps, website marketing, online reviews, Google analytics and more. You can catch myself and Mike Blumenthal at 2 different LocalU SMB events this fall. This digital marketing conference is perfect for beginning online marketers, those new to local SEO, business owners and in-house marketers.

  • Local University SMB – New Orleans on October 20th
  • Local University SMB – Austin, TX on October 24th

Marine Dealer Conference – December 6th & 7th in Orlando, Florida

aaron weiche MDCE

I’m returning to the MDCE event for a 2nd year and will be presenting two sessions.  First is a 3 hour workshop on Online Reputation and the 2nd is on Mobile Search.  This boating industry event brings in over 1,000 attendees for a week of learning, networking and an expo.

Come & Meet Us!

I hope we get the chance to meet you at one of these great conference this fall.  We truly enjoy getting to connect with our customers and give you even more of our knowledge, experience and help.



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.