Download: Automatic Merchandiser's 2021 State of the Industry report

July 6, 2021

Vending and micro market businesses in the United States did their best to adjust to and survive the severe economic realities of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Those realities affected workplace service providers contrarily. Operators primarily serving locations with essential workers onsite held the line, and in some cases, increased total sales. Operators servicing office locations, professional sites, public venues and schools, by comparison, experienced significant sales declines.


State Of The Industry Mm Vending
State Of The Industry Mm Vending
State Of The Industry Mm Vending
State Of The Industry Mm Vending
State Of The Industry Mm Vending

2020 State of the Industry Report: 2019: Another Record-Breaking Year For Operators

June 26, 2020
Last year, convenience services operators had their strongest year yet, expanding locations and boosting sales by diversifying product and service offerings.